i have thought i am the only one to love her.
i have been thinking this as she told us to be free in her friends.
so, i let her do what she like to do.
then a surprise when i visited my friends who was also her manager.
she told me that her best friend came to her working place to look for her.
it happened few times already, and her manager assumed he was her husband.
actually it was not the case.
he was her best boy friend working in her former place.
she has already left the place.
her relationships with this special friend was more than ordinary.
it is extraordinary.
no wonder she likes not answer phone or returns my sms when she is angry over a small matter.
i was a fool, man.
it is humiliating.
also, she also had another boyfriend who bought clothes, jewelleries and NTUC voucher.
he has been with her for three years.
he was divorcee, he was married to flippina and had two boys.
he was hardworking guy,working in Jurong island, and neglected his wife.
he has proposed to marry her, but he has no plans as he was a Indian-Muslim.
he waited for her to convert to his religion.
but she was strong in her Catholic faith.
he is waiting for her to change her mind.
but i can see that she also loves him dearly.
i also do not have absolute no control over this matter.
she does what she likes to do.