it happened on 14th February 2010.
she told me that she will give an answer.
i asked her to give one more chance.
one more chance to be with her.
i told her not to let me hanging in the air, waiting for the answer.
it is terrible feeling, as i have been there few times in my life.
it is more like suffering.
as it is now on 16th February 2010 at 1654hrs, she has yet given me the answer.
it will one of my longest wait of my life.
the longest wait.
each seconds, each minutes, each hours and each days are like eternity.
it never ends, never.
i also hardly slept last night, hardly.
i have been thinking, when will this ordeal end?
i do not know
i also ate less. no appetite.
my weight dropped too for the past two days.
i do not know what to do, as all the flower shops are closed for LNY.
i have to wait till tomorrow.
even then,it will be another wait never end, too.
should have considered the consequences of making a serious mistakes.
i sent her sms,no reply.
yesterday's night too: no reply.
it is like nothing has happened, a drop in the vast ocean.
no response.
it meant that i have done something terrible wrong to upset her.
i asked for space, and here she really gives me alot of space and alot of waiting too.
when will it ended?
just give me an answer.
very simple YES or NO.