Wednesday, February 26, 2020

“While we have said that marriage is an equal cooperative partnership of efforts, this does not mean that the contributions of both parties in a marriage are always equal.

While she had asked for help from the court to arrange a meeting with her children, the judges said that they were all adults now in their 20s “and can make their own decisions about meeting her”.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

half of your property

when people asked us to marry, we threw back a question:
in future, no matter what has happened, she will get half of your property

yes, we have seen cases after cases and knew its pitfalls. there are things that money counts in the end. and they are things which can come to past in many ways which are out of control.
however, it is expected because they have planned it before you get married.
they are after your monies and not your love.
sadly speaking, it is human nature and we blame no one