i have thought it will be a simple matter of parting ways to our girlfriend.
but after i have sent sms to bid her goodbye, we regret afterwards.
i felt pain, sad and sorrow.
after i have contacted her, she told things that i suddenly realized that i did the wrong things.
i still loved her even more.
i could not bear leaving her, and the rejection was too much to stand.
i seek for forgiveness she accepted. when i asked for a chance to be together, her initial answer is "no".
suddenly i felt i have lost everything in my life,i did not know how to face our colleagues when i return to work after the holidays.
luckily she changes her mind and let her consider and will let us know.
it will be the longest wait for my life.
i do hope i can be with her again.
but at the same time, i have to withstand the pain of losing her.
well, in the meantime, i have to wait.
thing hanging in the air was no good for the heart.
annother pain, and it is hurting.
i often wonder love and pain are together. i felt love and also pain.
it was not what i have expected in the first place.
in the first place, i have thought of myself, and did not think of her feelings.
when she told us that she could not believe that i have sent her sms, it made me realized that i have done the most serious things in my life.
i could lose her, forever.
and what she said is right too: i may regret it for the rest of my life.
instead of solving problems, i am creating more problems for her.
i have made the mistake and she forgave us.
when she gives me another chance to be with her, i will surely treasure it.
that's the things happened after i have lose her in the first place.
by now, she could have awaken from her night shift.
she is still weak after her tiring night shifts.so far, i have text one message in the morning at around 11am. i told her to rest and sleep rest.
the most important thing was that i have takne back all the sms i have sent to her and offered my deepest apology.
hope for the best as i could barely hold my tears.