after speaking to my sister, i felt that i have made the right choice.
she told me that her things are several strings of problem that tied her down.
it was too much complicated,she said.
after i have told her the long story cut short, i was relieved to have a good listener.
finally i can let it go.
finally, it is over.
glad that i have made the correct decision in the end.
my instincts is right on the spot.
gone with the wind, man, gone with the wind
franklyy speaking, it has been difficult for me.
difficult to let go of her,especially i knew that i will not have another girlfriend.
well, it is good that the thing was finally came to past, and i was glad that i have made it through.
had i go on, it will be the most difficult to get myself out from the quicksand.
difficult, i have to admit.