There they have different prospectives and faced tough challenages:- cost constraint,capital borrowing, outstanding loans, risks, manpower's turnover,regulation, licencing..etc. Some were successful while some have failed and found it hard to make it a comeback. They returned to the first place where they worked for others. These happened especially when there are economy downturns as globalisation make nations' boundary less distinctive and money are in electronics data that shifted places to places easily. Many have become bankrupt and many things that they wanted to recover from debts but could not and became worse off.
The high cost of doing business here such as land or rental are higher than in other countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, to name a few.
For one to succeed in business, there are many have failed.
The reason why most would not dare to start their own businesses is simply because those who have failed are ocstracised upon in this society of ours. If only we are more accepting of people who have failed, like in America, then more people would dare take the plunge to start their own businesses.
that was part of the reasons of the whole picture..we have to try new things and not forever doing the same things..cheers
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