they are catered mostly for the foreigners and not many complaints and no actions:- NATO(No Action Talk Only)..:( on So Expensive & Nothing TO See Actually Santosa
Scantily-dressed girl incensed for getting ogled at-- girls wanted attention on them, but detest people staring. either you have them both or none. why the need to fight over women over this matter?

Why do Singaporeans migrate to Perth? one of the reasons is that living in singapore was too much stressful as we have to "sprint" for everything. we are aging nation as with china and japan. so, for economical progress, we need to outdo other by running ahead of others. there are clearly people who disagreed and became quitters.
it was their choice. their lifestyle. but for sure, when we are running away from problems, it will come back to us one day. we have to adjust our mindset.
we lived the world only once..have fun and not bored. and we are no islands, we needed ppl's companion, and of course, have confidence in yourself..cheers! on Secret blog
life is more important than the barrier. (which estimated replacement cost is around S$20). have seen barriers being rammed,so it was not we have a valid reasons to do so.people will understand your circumstances and may waved off the replacements cost...well, the baby could have been saved! on Ram the Gantry
actually, during the lunch time, if we took a quick nap of 15-30 minutes, it will help to improve your alertness. as we aged, we needed less sleep, and also due to our daily habit as well..cheers On Sleep
in the end we still stick to our age-old principles..for safe? On Royal French Cap
it seemed that people are working even more harder to meet their needs and commitment.. on Car saleman by day, cabbie by night
horror films are best watched during midnight...especially in the moonless night On horror movies
that'economics..the purposes of taxation was redistribution of wealth..if you noticed..the richer are getting richer as their tax rate is reduced over the years :] on Growth Dividend and Workfare Bonus
for sure what has broken cannot be mend back to its original was never the same before in this world, there is no "what if" or " if only", just get over it and move on.
have to admit that it was quite interesting, and it revolved mainly around the korea, as in japan, men are ranked higher than women. so this series were something extraordinary...cheers on Dae Jang Geum
when the driver is women, you have to be extra careful as they tend to hestitate and you will not know what they will do next..;P on It's all FATED! (car accident)
it was like can forget the pain when you choose to's all up to you on Pain
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