i was stubborn.
i refused to listen to my sister's advise.
in the end, i was hurt, again.
this time, i had encough and decided to end this relationship once and for all.
my heart aches.
yes, i do love her.
i like to have this wonderful love to linger on.
but again and again, she has caused us pain, sorrow and agonies.
i made the mistakes in the beginning and have to bear the responsibilities.
so, i decided not to speak her anymore.
even she asked us anything, i will keep quiet and still.
it is best to avoid her at all cost.
when things come to this abrupt end, it saddens us deeply.
well, we do not like this to happen and we knows it will come one day.
it did.
now we are total strangers.
that is what she like to have when she text message to me on that evening.
we have since changed.
i do not care or bother anymore.