after my night shift yesterday and supervising the contractor on dismantled the existing old lourver and replaced new ones, i have a thought on her and text message to her to inform her tonight will be her first night shift and asked her to sleep well as it will be busy tonight.
after i have sent her message, i did not expected any return sms. normally she will read it and ignore it.
but at 12.28hrs, she replied to me,"ok po,u too!"
i was dead tired but managed to text her that i was busy on yesterday's night shift and asked her she was fine.
she replied at 15.35hrs that,
"u rest, m vry good, evrything doing well on my part."
i missed her so at around 1800hrs, after i have read her sms, i text her,"
miss na miss kita,miss na miss kita"
she did not returned my sms.
alas. but it is good that she finally returned my text message.
it has been since 17th February that i have not received any sms from her.
it has been 11 days since.
well, now i could really relax and sit back.
and take a break.
glad that she was doing well on her part.
i may ask her when i meet her on her night shift someday.