There was a marked difference from the lighting that the Workers' Party had for their rally the previous night.
The PAP could afford to bring in extra lights.
..In the interest of comparison of crowd size, I went up to the same balcony and took another picture on the PAP night. This is the picture you see above.
I took care to shoot both pictures at about the same time, around 21.15h, when the rallies would be reaching their climax. The crowds in both cases should thus be at their peak.
As I was taking this picture, I asked the man who happened to be standing next to me at the balcony how many people he thought were on the field. He said 500 - 1,000.
....Yawning Bread
It was the sharpest contrast of thing we have heard and seen over the years. Are we hearing and seeing the correct things for the past few years..I wondered.
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