A daydream is a form of consciousness that involves a low level of conscious activity. Daydreaming generally comprises of a fantasy while awake.

Often, the daydream takes the form of a train of thought, leading the daydreamer away from being aware of his or her immediate surroundings, and concentrating more and more on these new directions of thought. To an observer, they may appear to be affecting a thousand yard stare. A sudden stimulus may startle them out of the daydream.
When we are young, we often daydream that one day when we grew up, we could do the things we wanted to. We yearned to grow up as we often heard our father and mothers, "Wait until you grow up".
However when the days came, we understood that there are so many things we wanted to do, but could not do. Our hands are tied and resources are limited.
so, we are stuck and of course, another best things to do was to daydream again..thinking of the best things in our lifes and others as well
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