Monday, September 27, 2010


UK ranks the best in your chart so I thought that I should give my two cents worth.

Firstly, you are assuming that the level of healthcare is the same as in UK and Singapore. I can assure you that it's not true.

UK healthcare isn't free

Let's be honest, healthcare isn't free in the UK, a sizable portion of our paycheck goes into paying for the NHS (National Health Service) and that's regardless of whether you use it eventually.

While you could head to a GP in S'pore for common ailments (fever, cough, flu etc.), you'll have to make an appt in NHS to see a GP. Depending on the area you live in, it can take up to two weeks. That's why Brits call it a 'postal lottery'.

Else you can head to the 'private' GP, which cost £60 (ard S$120) for the first 15min of consultation and extra costs every minute thereafter. That doesn't come with medicine. You'll have to pay extra for that at the pharmacy.

Standards just can't match up

Stories of midwives and medics leaving patients bleeding in their beds are not unheard of here in the UK (at least in the London hospitals). The level of hygeine can be so bad that inspectors are shocked in a recent review. The elderly are left to fend for themselves and many were starving and dehydrated due to staff shortage and incompetency.

Of course, there are instances of competent staff and clean hospitals. Then again, should that be the case in the first place?

As a result, many who can afford it head to private hospitals, which can cost a small fortune. Of course, that's on top of the NHS contribution that they have already made through their paycheck.

then again...

However, I must admit that the NHS does take care of those who can't afford any healthcare otherwise. That comes with a price of course - the rest who can afford to will have to pay over and above what they will eventually use, that's if they use NHS in the first place.

Not only that, emergency free healthcare is also available for every foreigner (tourists etc) in NHS if they happen to be in the UK. As a tax payer, I have absolutely no issue with that personally as I think that everyone should be entitled to emergency care, so long that it's not being abused.

the million dollar question...

Question: would you be willing to fork out up to 40% of your salary so that every Singaporean receives free healthcare?

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