Tuesday, September 28, 2010

each his/ her own to do what it's best for survival

No win situation for all except, each his/ her own to do what it's best for survival.Now a days, because the political stakes and rewards are so high, even those who claimed to champion the cause of poorer citizens have been looked upon with skepticism.

Giving in to the simplistic ideas of the opposition may, in fact will, ultimately compromise the economic and social standing of the middle class and above.

The way to taking over the present government is to attack the standard and quality of lives of two third majority who are basically please with life here.

Helping the plight of the poorer citizens without giving due consideration of those have worked hard( the majority) to secure a comfortable life for themselves - eg bringing down asset values so it becomes cheaper for the younger generation - will worsen the state of the nation for everyone or worse off for more.

Question is: do we want to be fooled into improving the lives of a minority group, with simplistic ideas, and compromise the standard of living for the majority?

Some people tend to think so.

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