Friday, July 23, 2010

F word: Flood and Fallen trees

Times have changed and flooding looked to be a thing of the past.

But in November 2009, something unheard of took place.

Flooding affected the upper Bukit Timah Road stretch between Sixth Avenue and Blackmore Drive.

Although it is fair to say that the November 2009 incident was a “freak event that happens once in 50 years” according to a government minister, I am sure when you are the victim who owns a property or an expensive Masserati this is not quite on.

Fallen trees crashing down on a house or a landslide is a nightmare for many people.

Who likes to get involved in litigation?

Any motorist can tell you that once a car gets submerged in water, there is extensive damage to engine and transmission.

Not only you face expensive repair bills from the car workshop, your vehicle will not perform as normal as before.

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