there are others, like Yishun resident Wong Ya Long, who lost their one and only social network with the closure of the seating areas at coffee shops.
The 77-year-old who lives alone was almost in tears when this reporter asked how the circuit breaker had been for him, as he was walking back to his flat with a takeaway packet of pig organ soup he got from Chong Pang Market and Food Centre.
“I have nobody to talk to,” he said. He used to pass the time by hanging out with four to five other friends at a coffee shop. They did not have the foresight to exchange phone numbers before the circuit breaker, he lamented.
Since the circuit breaker measures took effect, there have been viral video clips showing seniors not adhering to the rules, attracting criticism of this group as “stubborn”, “ignorant” and “socially irresponsible”
he days used to pass quickly when she was working as a food court cleaner from 7am to 3pm.
But ever since she was told to stop work after patrons were not allowed to dine in anymore, the 67-year-old who is living alone and wanted to be known only as Madam Chia has had to face four walls in her Bedok flat — until she could not take it anymore.
Despite contravening circuit breaker rules, Mdm Chia regularly hangs out with a few neighbours on public benches near her flat even though they had been cordoned off with red-and-white tape.