Thursday, April 30, 2020

New studies carried out by researchers have found that there has been no widespread community transmission of Covid-19 here up until the end of March.

Professor Leo Yee Sin, who chairs the Covid-19 research workgroup that commissioned the studies, said this suggests that contact tracing efforts have been successful in identifying most of the cases of infection in Singapore, and few have fallen through the cracks.

The preliminary findings of the study were released on Wednesday (April 29) during a press conference held to give more information on the three studies.

The research workgroup was set up in January to study and come to a greater understanding of Covid-19 transmission in Singapore.

Its members are health experts from across the public healthcare institutions, the Ministry of Health, the DSO National Laboratories and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star).

Dr Mark Chen, head of research at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID), stressed that these initial results were obtained in the tail-end of March and early April, before the rapid rise in cases from the foreign worker dormitory clusters.