Monday, January 07, 2013

PAP, AIM and the fat white elephant

In the end, only AIM submitted a bid on 20 July 2010
tender was close on 14th July 2010, and yet AIM submitted on 20th July 2010, 6 days after it has closed and they have awarded the contract. furthermore, they are the only bidder. moreover, it is linked to PAP as three directors are from former PAP MP. In page 6 of Jan 5th 2012 of today's The New Paper one of the companies that collected the tender document, Hutcabb Consulting, shed some light on what was in the documents. Hutcabb Consulting has an office located in Jalan Kilang and counts the Attorney-General Chamber and Ministry of Foreign Affairs as its clients: Chief Executive of Hutcabb Consulting, Mr. Oliver Tian told The New Papar that his company did not bid for the software because the town councils did not provide sufficient information about it in the tender document. "It was very hard to make a decision based on what was provided. After paying more than $200, we simply got a thin stack of documents and the town councils were unable to provide us with more information" - he said - The New Paper, Pg 6, 5 Jan 2013.