Monday, April 09, 2012

You only need one person

You only need one person” my high school cross country coach once told me. At the time I thought she was referring to her – my coach whose job it was to guide me, teach me, keep me motivated, and remind me to stay focused. Turns out she meant me; I was the only person I needed.

I didn’t quite get her life lesson until much later in life and I’ve been relearning it and going through the lesson repeatedly ever since.

You only need one person – one person to believe in you, one person to push you, one person to stand up for you when others don’t. I get her lesson now. I have to be that one person because if I can’t be this one person to me than I can’t expect others to. More importantly though, I shouldn’t need to depend or expect others to join me in this role in my life so when it happens it’s should be respected, appreciated and regarded as pure bonus.

They support me but only as far as they can understand and grasp what it is they’re supporting. That’s where I need me to believe in me.

We all need this one person; we all need to be that one person to ourselves.

So to those who continually believe in me and in what I’m doing, thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you. I can’t help but feel like I’ve let you down with my official record but I know that it’s one thing to talk it’s a whole different thing to do, to do what I do, and nobody can ever take that away from me.
I believe in me. I believe in what I stand for and in what I’m doing. I am the one person I need and everyone else is pure bonus.