In a nutshell, it showed that Singapore is ranked as one of the world's more expensive cities to live in, but people here earn only middling wages.
The result is that our purchasing power is far from sterling.
Compared to the last time the survey was carried out, in 2006, it also shows a worsening trend.
Our economy is to be one where we have an extraordinary gap between the powerful and the powerless, even by Asian standards -- countries not known for soft-hearted socialism.
Average wages for Singapore as a whole are pulled down the city rankings because our low-paid are so lowly paid.
why? influx of foreigners.
Meanwhile, one suspects that our prices seem to be kept up not so much by labour costs but by profit-taking and the government's share.
With the resulting degradation of purchasing power, one can then ask:
Is the average Singaporean really having it so good?
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