For me, it just meant capitalism without regard of humanity and all out for profit by retort to any means or methods, ethical or unethical to get it done.
and it sucked every resources that are being poured in.
With ever-increasing income-gap, the richer people paid less and less tax but those with lower-income ones are being taxed heavily and heavily.
It was further eroded as we import large number of unskilled worker (foreign Talents) which kept our wages artifically low.
Although there was fast economy growth, what was the use when we could not enjoy the fruits?
With our aging population, a large numbers of above 40s could not even find a job as it was "alloted" to foreigners as they were cheaper. Furthermore, they formed 25% of our population, which is "only" about 1 millions. So, NTU's team was right on mark when they said that half of the newly created jobs went to foreigners.
And our medical fees kept artifically high to have a high standard and we have kept on paying through our hard-earned medisave monies.
The cost of medical bills was instead higher inspite of recents changes.
It will come to a breaking point that all things will collapse, one day and it will.
The questions we should ask: WHEN?
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